Hot tips, advice, and tricks on how to use Postcron?



Postcron is a platform to schedule post on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram and Google+. It allows the audience to build a social media presence – all under one roof. It’s the easiest way for small and large organisations to create a presence online. The aim of Postcron is to design a programme, which is tailor made.

What was once thought to be time-consuming is now streamlined under Postcron. Increasing traffic for bloggers is key for maintaining a strategic presence on the web. It is accessible around the globe wherever there is an internet connection. This blog will give hot tips on ‘How to use postcron.’ And if you are experiencing difficulties however small, then the friendly staff is just a stone throw away. With 24/7 support and v quick turn around for answering emails from clients. If you have any doubts just send  a message to:

Advise on scheduling posts by Postcron :

Log in on Postcron now and verify the hours which you have chosen to be optimal and just in case you didn’t know you can edit them in the section “Review your Scheduled Posts”.

The scheduling of posts is most optimal, for this  you must pay special attention to the publication times, and it’s for this reason that I am sharing with you the best time to publish on each social network,  based on the performance analysis of over 2 million users.

1.     Facebook:
– Saturday is the day of the week which gets the most participation.
– Thursday and Friday obtain 18% more participation than other days of the week.
– During the rest of the week, publishing outside of “business hours” (super early in the morning or late at night) will get you more engagement.

2.     Twitter:
– On Twitter participation also increases on Saturdays and Sundays.
– And by following a similar behavior to Facebook, during the week, the best time to posts tweet is midday and after general working hours.
– The most percentage of retweets happens around 5pm.

3.     Sending emails:
– Subscribers have to check email during the week after 12pm, and the most attractive time are between 2-5pm.
– Tuesday and especially Thursday are the days which register a larger percentage of mailings and “open rate“.

You should keep in mind that this hours emerge from the analysis of all our users posts, which are from different sectors, therefore in your industry it can be the same or vary. But beyond this, I hope that this info helps you and you keep them in mind while scheduling your posts.

Ah, and one more thing… in the table below you can see what the ideal frequency is for each social network, meaning, How often it’s appropriate to share the same posts in times, days, weeks and months.


Today, I want to share with you the templates that we use to organize our social media strategy and make it efficient, since surely social media is even more present in your day to day life and your company.
And for us as well they have helped a lot, I believe that they can be very useful to you. You can download and use them as your own!

1.     Social Media Strategy Template: this is the first step for generating a solid presence on networks. Included: definition of your target audience, content guidelines, social profiles optimization and definition of the publication strategy.

2.     Social Media Survey Template: it’s goal is to evaluate your position on social networks in a way so you can correct it based on your planned goals.

3.     Calendar Template for Social Media: it’ll enable you to arrange your publications for planning, implementing and evaluating different publication strategies.


SocialMediaChecklist-Postcron-3postccronTemplateforSocialMediaControl-1Calendar-Template-for-Social-Media (1)TemplateforSocialMediaControl-1

Press the link in blue to get the template from Postcron.

I hope that theses help you arrange your communications, boost your online presence and spread your brand.







4.     Bulk Uploading Template: it’ll allow you to keep your social accounts up to date. With this and the help of Postcron,  you can rapidly shedule hundreds of post so they can be published on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Pinterest or Instagram whenever you set it

This is the video tutorial for the bulk uploader:


Additional information on how to upload posts in bulk: How to do it step by step is explained for people with learning difficulties. To ease this task, Postcron gives you the option of scheduling hundreds of posts simultaneously. That way, you can save time on your work. Today, that’s exactly what I’ll be showing how to do! How to Upload Posts in Bulk within minutes.



CEO Postcron said : ” If you are interested, I have the statistics of almost all the social networks, so if you want to know more about the best time in particular for publishing on a certain social network, write to me.” (







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